Eastside Camera Club - Special Assignment

Special Assignment is a category in which the subject changes every month. We decide as a group during the monthly meetings which subjects we'd like to pursue for the special assignments of future meetings. "TBD" in the list of upcoming monthly meetings means we haven't yet decided on the Special Assignment subject for that particular meeting. Past examples of Special Assignment subjects include "Timepieces", "Part of the Whole", "Sketch", and "Texture". These subjects encourage us to expand our skills to areas other than the ones we typically shoot.

Click for two examples of each of the
Special Assignment examples mentioned above

Please name your first Special Assignment photo as:

"Title" is whatever brief title you choose for your photo. "LastName" is your own last name, and "FirstName" is your own first name. There should be a space between each word in the filename, as shown above. Please include a leading zero in the number.

For your second Special Assignment submission to a meeting, replace "SA 01 Title..." with "SA 02 Title...".